Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ideas Which Matter

I am quite happy and satisfied to announce that I have written about the issues which have come on the center stage of developing country like India. The day before yesterday when I uploaded my article, titled ‘Dangerous Optimism: A Crackerjack’ on my blog, BBC started showing ‘Tata’s acquisition as major event of India’ in its international news. The other issues raised followed.

Today is Saturday. I am happy to see that editorials of Indian Express and The Times of India have written what I wrote in my article. TOI editorial writes, ‘Om and the world, Diwali as a global festival’. Diwali is celebrated with fanfare in all corners of the world – from Natal to New York, from Singapore to Surinam. Diwali has something to do with the nature of the festival which resonates across cultures and geography. The issue has been clearly and firmly dealt in just one paragraph of my blog.

On the other hand, IE writes, ‘India of ideas and the ideas of India, Celebrate the fact that complicated new questions are being asked’. If you feel increasingly optimistic about India, you should also be looking at various questions. Editors write few questions which are as irrelevant as Intelligentsia of Indian society appears today. I feel that I have asked more relevant and burning questions which need to be asked at this time. I have asked those complicated new questions. You must read my post to know those questions. However, as I finally say that this is the time of celebrations and we should be alert and conscious about it.

To read my blogs with attached picture:

I am feeling excited about the issues which I raised. I have not received many comments about my writings but with my understanding of the happenings around the world, I am sure that any body who reads by blog is fortunate to get the first hand information about the real issues India and the world are facing today. I write world class issues.

Further, when I raise world class issues, I also enjoy developing some theory and principle. These new developments need to become the integral part of our life. For the benefit of all, I have devised five steps to achieve excellence. I have published these steps in the form of an article. When I was writing this article for management blogsite, one very brilliant idea came to my mind. I would like to repeat that for the benefit of you all.

The other inventions of last few centuries have given the luxuries to every
individual while the recent technological inventions have given wisdom at the
hand of every child born on this earth in 21st century. The time is not far when
excellence will be the common phenomena of a rising society.

They are available at management blogsite. You can view, read and if feel excited then can comment there. There are many valuable management articles. You can enjoy them at your will.

The five steps to achieve excellence are as follows:

1. Unlearning conservative ideas towards innovation

2. Selecting sources of wisdom

3. Ensuring encouraging environment (EEE)

4. Excellence is a necessity

5. Excellence is achievable

These steps have been elaborated in the above given blog. As I believe that excellence can be achieved by any one at any time, I am sure you all can take benefit from these steps. The time is not far when excellence will be the common phenomena of a rising society.

Think global, go global. Posted by Picasa

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