Monday, August 21, 2006

India is Proud of Brain Drain

In 70s and 80s, there was a big concern in the country and it was the question of brain drain. Today, when those brain went into drain are becoming world famous as achievers, Indian media is not getting tired to glorify their achievements. The front page of Indian daily consist the past history of those achievers. The Indian link is talked as a big achievement of country. The whole country deprived of good achievers, feel very happy to talk and discuss about those achievements acquired by those brain drain of 70s. What a great contradictions of long term policies?

There is hardly any integrity of the reporting of Indian dailies. It lacks cohesiveness. It lacks the wisdom to make issues for national interest. They hardly bother to even correlate their previous day front page report. Just few days back, Pepsi and Coke came on headline when they were banned in many parts of the country. It again came in the headline when American gave a threat to get a break on foreign investments. Pepsi again made the headline when Indian born Nooyi was designated as next CEO of the $32billion dollar food and beverages giant. Can we keep our wisdom intact in such situations?

The reporting is one thing and reporting correct and relevant information is another. It is great that Mooyi, who lived in India for her first 23 years, studied from Madras Christian College and famous national management institute IIM Calcutta. But is it sufficient requirement for any individual to go on top. Once she left India, she remained in US for next 27 years. She is still continuing to be there. She has not even talked to any reporter till now. She has maintained her changed environment to ensure her sound thinking and action.

I remember when I was in Adampur, Punjab during 2001; she came to India for just few days. She went to her native place in Chenai just for a day. Since that time onwards, I kept her under observation for analysis of human growth. I find her as most suitable example. She almost proves my theory of human growth. There are seven essential factors for human growth. First is thinking and action. She maintained her situation for sound personality. The developed situation is needed for proper thinking and action. She managed other factors very judiciously. The four factors like sex, parents, God and aspirations were resolved nicely for smooth growth. The sixth factor, godfather was created to achieve desired success. The seventh factor, wisdom domain was formed so that she is ready to take necessary harsh decisions to achieve desired growth. She managed all theses seven factors efficiently for growth.

Nooyi says India is a ‘rising star’, the fact remains that annual per capita consumption of carbonated beverages remains very low. There is a tremendous scope of enhancement of business in India. Today when Sunita Narain is bent on to show the 30 % increase of pesticides in Coke and Pepsi, the issues are being discussed in Parliament, Indian politicians are ready to grab this lucrative issues to show their nationality to poor Indians, it is a great and strategic move for PepsiCo to chose Nooyi as CEO. The country starved of even a good drinking water in most part, raise the issues of cold drinks, it appears to me as a laughing stocks. It all depends to me as a efficient person getting as assignment of non-effective issues. In this case, Sunita Narain should be moved to other department where she starts working with this efficiency to provide good water and good education to poor. The government should take these steps to move effective and efficient people to the department which look after basic necessities for its citizens. This will help the country more. Now when PepsiCo takes this strategic decision, hopefully it will help the company more than the country which got one ‘hero’.

As we have made, Laxmi Mittal as son of soil, we will not miss opportunities to make Nooyi as another role model. Indian media, which does not feel hesitant in making Prince a hero, will make Nooyi another hero. As a women, taking over as CEO is a real great achievement. I only hope, Indian media have patience while reporting about her and write real informative and encouraging information. There is no point to make all of a sudden, Nooyi achievements as Indian success. Posted by Picasa

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