Saturday, April 01, 2006

Prayer No Help

Prayer is of no help when you are in pain. Now the researchers have come out with revolutionary ideas against all beliefs. The result is the output of the effort of more than a decade and involving more than 1800 patients. The research was led by Herbert Benson, a cardiologist and director of Mind/Body Medical Institute near Boston. That’s why I respect science and technology. They do not only disclose hidden facts but have courage to come out boldly with revolutionary results. The human being without solid knowledge lives in this world like a dumb animal. Human can live like human only if knowledge is inside like Intel Inside.

Since time immemorial, God has been made as a means for exploitation of the poor and downtrodden. God has always been a very powerful tool to exploit the large sections of society. No revolution has taken place to stop these exploitations for the benefit of humanity in general. People have either spread the knowledge of God or kept quite. They have either followed the path or made a separate path to be followed by other human beings. The people, who have acquired the wisdom to know about the availability of God, spread its message for the exploitation of humans in various forms. They have forced large sections of society to follow blind path of obedience on the name of God. They have spread the message of ignorance and fear. They have spread the message of slavery in some form or other. Hardly on the name of God, have any preacher ever given sufficient justification to the society. Even today, if somebody acquires some knowledge about the superpower, i.e. God, he or she becomes another God to be worshipped or issue fatwa or spread terrorism. He or she hardly spread knowledge and convictions. They hardly try to explain their wisdom. They hardly try to explain why they think some way why not other way. They go out of way to convince large section of population that his or her form of understanding of God is close to real one and that is only true and certainly not forgetting to declare other are all false and myth. The normal human being gets in these traps so easily that he or she hardly have time to come out of those false impressions.

Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru in his book Letters from a Father to His Daughter (p-72)- has said, “Religion first came as fear and anything that is done of fear is bad”. It was fear only because of which many religions were spread. As the people understood the religion and God in little more depth, they also followed the path of their ancestors and spread a new religion with minor changes here and there. Even today, plenty of such new groups are being formed. They all try to spread the message of God in some form or other. They all claim to be taking forward the cause of almighty for the betterment of humanity. They all are working for the welfare of the poor, downtrodden and deprived. They all are claiming to be serving humanity in some form or other. They all claim to be passing the great moral values to society without which the society will not able to be disciplined. It is long and tiring arguments for the prevalence of a system and their followers.

The research work conducted by Herbert Benson gives me confidence that the human being will be able to reach to truth someday or other. We must spread knowledge rather than faith. We should never allow the situation to occur in 21st century like it occurred during Gallilio time. He was jailed for twenty years because he told truth to this world. Who believed him? Even now, a large section of population remains in dark and blind faith. They are almost at fatal level in developing countries but even in developed countries, it is in bad state. People must be awakening from this menace of wrong beliefs. Rather than wasting time and energy in irrelevant things, we should try to find truth! Posted by Picasa

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