Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dirty Game - Jehad!

Jehad is dirty game started by one human against other human. In this twenty first century, it is imperative that we behave sensibly. Spread of any religion can not provide food to the poor. The religion can not eradicate poverty from this earth. The religion can not provide basic amenities. The religion can not provide medicines to dying patients. The religion can not stop bird flu. Every human being wants to live and enjoy life with peace including Muslims as Jill Carroll has felt. She rightly says, ‘I wanted to go home’. Why not? Any body should have liberty to take such steps.
Religious fanaticism is the useless means to achieve any basic need of humanity. Like Industrial Revolution and Agricultural revolution, Religious Revolution is the thing of the past. Caste system of Hindu religion or terrorism of Muslims would not be able to provide the basic amenities for human being. Society, like science, has a way of always moving forward. The question comes now is how far human being is ready to move with it. Today, we all should pledge in the name of humanity to rise above religion, region and sectarian to help ourselves. Everyone of us should rise and think in that direction. All humanity is privileged to be a part of this conscious evolution.
This world is a peculiar place. Everybody gets a chance to speak to Bush. Everybody has authority to question Condoliza Rice. Everybody can question Manmohan Singh. People simply feel pleasure in blaming Bush, Rice or Manmohan. People who blam these democratic personalities undermine the human effort to bring peace in this world. Who has the solutions for a better world? Who knows best for humanity? Everybody asks the democratic leaders to behave. But who questions Osama? Who question Omar Abdullah? Who questions people who are behind the scene and killing innocents mercilessly? Who questions terrorists? Who questions who bombed twin tower, parliament house or Varanasi? We are not sure of those identities. We are not sure of their aspirations. Anybody should have sympathy with those hidden fighters. Anybody has right to have soft heart for those hidden enemy of humanity. But my only point is that, O, gentlemen, educated, liberal, democratic and argumentative citizen, please find the people behind these attacks. Tell them to come forward and tell you their demand. Do not criticize Bush or Rice or Straw. Do not criticize democracy? Do not criticize them to become the enemy of the humanity. If you continue criticizing them, you will encourage making human bomb, terrorists, Afghanistan and Iraq. What are you going to teach to the young people? Human is fighting with hidden enemy irrespective of their religion. Let us set some rule to blame. Let us set some rule to praise. Let us set some means to achieve a peaceful world.
I have lot of praise and respect for Jill Carroll. She did correct. She took good decisions. Anybody who utilized the revelation of tape before her release as a means to attack on the fight against terror remains the enemy of humanity. We must exploit our brilliance to spread peace. We should never encourage or create a situation where we unknowingly support the people who are behind killing innocents in this world. We should never do any things which provide moral support to the hidden demon who wants to destroy this world. We should never populate the hidden enemy. Posted by Picasa

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